What a bad life???
There are people probably ask themselves this question - What a bad life? This could be because things are somehow gloomy on their ride.
Never give up life. Things might seem totally negative sometimes to a point of regretting why you are living. I did ask myself this "Why is it written this way?"...shouldn't ask that but we're just human rite.
Domestic problem, matrimonial, love affair problems, poverty, what you consider as tough rule and measures to implement are few xamples of what could make you distressed to a point of wanting to commit suicide. YES!!! I confess to you that I do have such intention too...
There are other several people suffering the same though they have brought their problems to the world for help and definitely get it.
I've learned this..Never suffer in silence because there could be someone, somewhere who could find your problem a simple thing to solve. Do not at anytime lose hope in life, salvage something from every setback. It is very true that the darkest our, is nearest the dawn.
Ask God to help you and seek guidance from those near you who you trust. Do not allow the problems you encounter be barriers in life but let them be hurdles to jump!
Thank you to my lovely friends who is there for me, lending their ears for me to confide, gave their shoulder for me to cry on...sincerely I'm greatful enough to have you around me when I'm at fall.
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